At the heart of the unique services we provide to our clients and their employees, is our all-inclusive full-service Advocacy & Concierge Support Center.
In addition to our handling of all service and administrative responsibilities for our clients, we provide a single toll-free number, one-stop shop -- a full-service Advocacy Call Center and Concierge Claims Processing Center -- for personally and individually handling all member questions, concerns, claims, etc related to the benefits we provide. Members never have to talk to the carriers, which can often be an extremely frustrating and disheartening experience, nor do our clients have to invest any additional time, monies, or resources. We handle everything to ensure members are properly treated and get what they deserve, and to ensure complete satisfaction and a truly remarkable customer service experience for all members -- GENERALLY PROVIDED AT NO COST TO THE EMPLOYER.
Client members will be speaking with trained and qualified professionals who have the time, training, tools, resources, and experience to handle any issue needing resolution. Our personnel take responsibility and ownership of any issue and follow through to a rewarding and satisfactory conclusion. Our staff professionals do not just answer questions and provide information, they assertively promote favorable outcomes for members, and actually help process, coordinate, and manage efforts to ensure them.